"Indominus Rex Hunt" series
Hello, everybody! We hope you are all having a great day!
We are starting a photo series called "Indominus Rex Hunt" on our Instagram page. The series tells the story of a group of marines and their attempt to contain an Indominus Rex that escaped from its paddock in our Lego universe's Dino Park.
Follow the story of our three protagonists: L.T., Jiro, and Max.
Here are the first three photos of the series and their captions as posted on our Instagram (@brickslaboratory):
We are starting a photo series called "Indominus Rex Hunt" on our Instagram page. The series tells the story of a group of marines and their attempt to contain an Indominus Rex that escaped from its paddock in our Lego universe's Dino Park.
Follow the story of our three protagonists: L.T., Jiro, and Max.
Here are the first three photos of the series and their captions as posted on our Instagram (@brickslaboratory):
Something is lurking behind the trees... #lego #legodinosaur #legophotography#legoscene #legoindominusrex Instagram @brickslaboratory |
“L.T. to command. L.T. to command. We have a visual on the package. I repeat, we have a visual.” #lego #legodinosaur #legoindominusrex #legoscene#legophotography Instagram @brickslaboratory |
L.T.: “Are we clear to engage? L.T. to command. Are we clear to engage? Target unmoving.” Command: “You are cleared, L.T. Use of non-lethal force advised. Bring the package home alive.” 😨😥😰 #lego #legodinosaur #legoindominusrex#legoscene #legophotography Instagram @brickslaboratory |
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